
I have a dream,
Even if I'm thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart
I have a dream as precious as gem
If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient
I would wait just for that day.
As you always worry,
You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There's the reality that we can't turn back already
Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

English Translation---Goose's Dream

这首歌的歌词写的很好 我很喜欢=]



初中毕业了 目标设定好了吗 要准备起飞了?

当初的梦想讲得多好听  最后它们都被归类成笑话

当初的心多澎湃啊  最后什么都没有时间啊


原来梦想是不能一起和一群人实现 因为每个人的心不同 要坦诚

一样东西做不到还会执着下去吗 换个环境也许更好

我有自己的想法 我相信一定会找到适合自己的东西

没有能力实现的只好自学了 虽然很累也很辛苦/.\

我要证明给那些觉得我什么都不是的人看 也许这一天 只要我努力一定能到来


从下半年开始 和朋友出去还是去哪里玩都好都不会抱有期待

应该就像你说的什么事都没兴趣了 悲哀

报名商科成功 接下来可要努力咯=]

每个人都活在现实的世界?哪里对自己有利就去投靠 这种东西习惯就好


sunway trip 要开心哈



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